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36 Tools For Building Spirit in Learning Communities

by R. Bruce Williams


Today's schools struggle with increasing demands for accountability, challenges that can fracture educational communities. This transforming resource emphasizes that change must come from within through revitalized spirit and strong culture. It offers activities and templates to help educators create a common vision, new vigor, confidence and purpose, along with the tools to create real change by focusing on seven aspects of school culture: Participative process such as mentoring, Visible achievements, Common understandings, Guided reflections, Inspiring success stories, Community-building rituals, and Powerful symbols.

Team Building and Empowerment
Consensus Generation More Than Book

More Than 50 Ways to Build Team Consensus - Second Edition

by R. Bruce Williams


This book organizes 70 consensus tools and strategies in four overarching hallmarks: Purposeful Vision, Participative Processes, Collaborative Teams, and Individual Commitment. Following a description of each tool are detailed instructions on how to use it as well as a practical example of its use.

Twelve Roles of Facilitators for School Change - Second Edition

by R. Bruce Williams


This detailed road-map to facilitating school change guides those external and internal facilitators commissioned to foster school change. This book provides practical tools for four primary roles in school change: Process Leader, Skills Trainer, Resource Consultant, and Group Energizer.

Team Building and Empowerment
Team Building and Empowerment
A book cover compatible learning Group Facilitation

Brain Compatible Learning for the Block - Second Edition

by R. Bruce Williams & Steven E. Dunn


While this practical research-based manual is written for teachers in the block, its foundation in the latest brain research expands on sound teaching in any time format. Separate chapters, each including a sample lesson, cover curriculum, instruction, and assessment.


Cooperative Learning: A Standard for High Achievement

by R. Bruce Williams


Cooperation, collaboration, and teamwork are the hallmarks of achievement. Start with the basics and learn how to decide, design, and develop cooperative lessons.

Consensus Generation book cover
Strategic Planning and Implementation

Multiple Intelligence's for Differentiated Learning

by R. Bruce Williams


Using Gardner's theory of multiple intelligence's and his latest thinking for the classroom, explore multiple entry points, multiple connections, and multiple representations as clues to differentiated learning.

Higher Order Thinking Skills: Challenging All Students to Achieve

by R. Bruce Williams


Explicit instruction in thinking skills needs to be a priority goal of all teachers. The author presents a framework of the 5R's: Relevancy, Richness, Relatedness, Rigor, and Recursiveness

Strategic Planning and Implementation